From: Ataana Badilli <>
Subject: Black Tourmaline

                                                                                       Black tourmaline


                                                                                      Black Tourmaline

We all want to have a better connection with ourselves. To really get deeply in touch with our highest, truest self, we need to be grounded and centered in our body. We need to be protected against negative energies and psychical attacks and in a state of clear and open consciousness.

Black Tourmaline is a dense, non-translucent stone that typically grows in long layered striations. They can be very small in size, like little pebbles or can grow to hundreds of pounds. It will normally have a shiny, mirror-like luster, but a resemblance of charcoal.

This is considered one of the master healers of all the minerals of the crystal kingdom. Black Tourmaline carries a powerful detoxifying vibration to the number's 3 & 4. This stone can assist to transform many physical ailments as well as repel and protect against negativity of all forms, especially protecting one from being victimized by the negative energy of another person.

This incredible stone provides for an increase in one’s physical vitality, emotional stability and intellectual acuity.  It can also assist in maintaining ones spirits and raising your spiritual vibration, even when times appear to be "dark and gloomy".

Tourmaline is a particularly strong stone, often used to activate grounding between the first chakra and the center of the earth. This grounding energy that a black tourmaline provides further enhances a person’s well being on the earthly plane. If you need some help protecting your personal energy from those entities in the spirit realm and/or those on the physical plane who are not in the light, then wear this stone as a pendant or keep a piece in your pocket and hold the tourmaline in your left hand throughout the day. It will alleviate any harsh energy that may have been transferred onto you.

It is one of the best crystals to stimulate reflex points and nerves in the body, especially in the lower back extremity and spinal column. Tourmaline is known to be used in the treatments of arthritis, heart disease, anxiety, depression, and people experiencing mental disorientation. If there is an imbalance in the kidneys or adrenal glands, this master healer stone is great to integrate into one's healing process.

                                              Black tourmaline pendants are now available in the crystal store.

                                                                                                   black tourmaline 1

                                                                                                       Black Tourmaline Pendant

If you are looking for a black tourmaline to assist in your own health and healing please visit our crystal store.

